Why Page Speed is Important and how optimize it ?

Why Page Speed is Important and how optimize it ?

Why Page Speed is Important and how optimize it ?

The page speed of a website, or the same WPO (Web Performance Optimization), is a determining factor for its ranking in search engines.

But what is the importance of loading speed for SEO? Mainly to the excellent user experience (UX) that a fast website produces, affecting the bounce rate.

Google loves correct navigability or usability of a website since visitors can quickly find the content they are looking for, and search engines can understand the ideas of said website.

 Importance of page speed for SEO

Since any website scores more or less the same as its competition, loading speed is a significant differential factor to show you ahead in search results.

The SEO also considers the experience offered by a website on a mobile device, and optimization is a factor that becomes more and more weight.

How long does it take to load a website so that its loading speed is well optimized?There is no exact and ideal loading time that indicates that a website is well optimized, but according to research.

  • 46% of customers have the patience to wait for a web page to load in 3 seconds or less
  • 40% of consumers wait no more than three seconds for a web page to load before leaving the site.
  • 52% of shoppers said that page loading speed is essential to being repeat visitors
  • Online shoppers are distracted when a web page is slow to load. 14% will start their purchases elsewhere, and 23% will go off the internet.

An online store with a low loading speed will lose sales and repeat customers.

Considering all these points, we could say that all web pages below 2 seconds will have a good WPO or loading speed, and all those above 3 seconds should improve their loading time optimization or lose prospects.

You can hire a SEO company in Bangalore for optimizing your page speed.

How To Speed ​​Up Your Page speed 

If your web page takes three or more than 3 seconds to load, follow these guidelines:

Optimize your images

Use JPG format for photos or complex images and PNG for more detailed images. If you use Adobe Photoshop, try to reduce the images to 70% (JPG), you will not notice a difference in quality, and you will be able to reduce the size of the picture by half.

Choose a suitable theme for your web design.

There are many themes formed by files (PHP code, CSS style sheets, JavaScript functions …) that influence the loading speed of a website if they are not well optimized.

Avoid cheap and inferior quality hostings.

Although the price is not a good indication of the hosting quality, it can be used as a reference. We must know what type of hosting we are hosting the web, as many slow down and affect its loading speed.

Avoid spaces and unnecessary comment tags in HTML code

Each letter in the HTML code takes up one byte. By removing unnecessary white space and comments, you can save up to 10% of the file size. You can take the help of SEO agency in Bangalore.

Remove plugins and widgets from social networks.

For each social media plugin, the loading time is approximately one second.

Therefore, we must assess whether the information on the “number of followers,” “number of likes,” “number of repins .” provides a good experience for the user since each query from our website to the social network API supposes an overload of weather.

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